My Dear B18th November 2015

I am delighted you are so near and I write these notes about last years and Leszczyn for the pleasure of giving them to you later. They contain our memories together which we shared with friends and the excitement of early Idsanist registrations, which were so heady - much else besides - and of your sober warnings that ʻles passions sans frontieresʼ can be dangerous as well as limitless basis for positive action.

It was in 2010 that the Levolution started, though the conditions for it were ready in many parts of Europe and waxing since the end of the millennium. The antagonism and financial tensions in the Balkans and Middle East may have helped to bring peoples feelings to the fore, but the real causes were much deeper springing from the malaise of society. It was however an accident on the Olsztyn Kaliningrad line - in the last days of June, in which many people including children were killed, both Polish and Russian, which was the genesis of the movement. The reactionary government in Poland vehemently blamed the Russian installations and railway control, but within a day the true cause was established, arising from a freak snow storm creating ice blocks which distorted the rails, and the reaction against the lying propaganda was spontaneous. It was like a reminder of the Spanish reaction to the Madrid railway terror, which was blamed by a right wing government on ETA, to avoid the blame of its own connection with the Iraq invasion, a lie opening peopleʼs eyes and throwing that government out of power.

Here it resulted from an accumulation of anti-Russian propaganda, over the years, which in accordance with the American instructions was building up hate and exaggerating the enmity between the two nations - which the Poles were suddenly not prepared to accept any more. Demonstrations throughout the country brought a general strike and the fall of government, while a joint Polish-Russian memorial service, at the place of the accident, kindled rapport between the cousin countries.

Levolution became a Movement enveloping and bursting on people everywhere, like the 1848 Spring of Nations - only while the other was destroyed this one succeeded in establishing a new rhythm - cascading the changes and growing stronger all the time, like winter wheat setting deeper roots to resist the dire frosts and hazards and offer in its fullness joy to all. The name was coined when Sarkozy, in exasperation at the demonstrations, shouted at the Italian premier Pizzani: ʻthis is a revolution!ʼ while, Pizzani answered calmly: ʻNo, not a revolution, this is a Levolution - with all that it implies for us all.ʼ

Levolution became the name of a world movement. You remember how we argued whether one letter makes all the difference, a movement of levelling the differences between groups of people whether based on wealth, or nationality or racial, religious or power advantages, not corresponding to the true realities which humanity respects. It was amazing how quickly its influence spread, showing how deeply ordinary people felt about the distortion of natural order and how ready they were for the change. And most of all how the young understood its meaning.

Society woke up to the fact, that it was ordered by rogues and fools, and run by villains using fools and rogues to intimidate it. At the dawn of the new millennium people suddenly saw those like Bush, Blair, Condoleezza, Sharon, Negroponte, Goldsmith, or Wolfowitz and others imprison people without trial, hire killers to put men to death and torture, to gouge their eyes, cut throats, rape, shoot, and blow up innocents for caricatured concepts of democracy while naming the mayhem created by them: terrorism. They hired or cajoled fools of one kind or another - using those who were too involved in their minor or individual concerns, that they had no time to see the bigger picture, or to accept the responsibility for what was happening. All these lies collapsed suddenly when women first, and men saw where this swaggering mass media control was taking them - to a black hole of a power-crazed minority of the rich to rule over them. When the eyes were opened it was easy for many to propagate everywhere and for us as well to arrange symposiums, where you were able to put living flesh onto the spirit of the new ideas, with your charm and feminine prestige.

And the spring of new perspectives arrived among nations opening the door for clearing the dross accumulated from the past. Germany has long been building on its natural gifts of hard work and hard thinking and gave a solid basis for the levolution. Like in the days of Goethe, Hegel or Marx new ideas were floating from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria and from Thuringia to Holstein and spilling over the continent. The disability that the Germans often suffered: of not being liked, was overtaken by recognition throughout Europe of the ability and fun with which they asked the relevant questions about Capitalism and how they shared in finding of answers. A German ability to create rules was often in the past a straight-jacket of dullness even if accompanied by efficient order, but now a fresh spirit sprung in the country which was the natural development of new understanding. It came from the confidence taking intelligent parameters of daily life and work as frontiers of freedom within which one can improvise reality. I have seen this spirit in Hertford after the war and glimpsed it in Ulm, it corresponds to the confidence of a creative scientist who respects the parameters of his travail while feeling free to invent and produce. One could see it in loss of stuffiness in the banks, jolly and informative station ticket ladies, fun in tidy design of streets, guiding rather than regimenting the driver and so on everywhere, everything works, but people are having fun and freedom because of it. Berlin in 2010 became a fun city like St Germain-des-Pres after liberation, bringing to logical proposals the sense of the incredible, because of being possible - making the surrealism of total morality into a practical view shared at all levels of society - a new revolution discovering meanings which work, and enabling people to understand everything.

It was a time of Champagne on Unter den Linden which we all shared. We remembered that the French Revolution put all philosophical and ethical thinking into the same context, and now suddenly and at last, this became possible. Acting by voting with their feet the Berliners, and others, propagated their beliefs in the context of the 21st century, liberty being reigned-in by justice and justice re-scaled in the perspective of liberty: multinationals stopped from pledging social values to one principle of market economy, and abstract moralists prevented of depriving an individual of his right to be wrong. There was a lot to argue and many songs to be sung with much schnapps and vodka to accompany new policies. Many places, like little Peyriac or Feuchtwangen, began treading steps of Idsanism. The Hundred, with its intimacy, began to reconcile Freedom for individual and Justice to a group, protected against ruthless dictations by organization or by majority. Marx with his direct vision saw as much, but made for conquest not for peace. Who can claim that he was wrong, as he looked with Dickens at the misery horizons of the 19th century? But this time we knew that something like Owenʼs view could win. With reconciliations based on creative spark existing in and for every individual - treading gently even on the madness of criminal surge. It was a Renaissance of Europe with Levolution radiating centrifugal energy towards the planet.

We remember so many incidents which were steps forward, each time realising and sometimes exaggerating their importance but not holding back the dream. One of those was when the intellectuals of the world everywhere said ʻenough is enoughʼ and turned down their cooperation at every level. Yellow papers like The Times, Telegraph, Herald Tribune, Sun and others suddenly did not only find themselves without the readers but also without the writers. You donʼt have to blow up the State Department to see that it all will collapse when intelligent people, diplomats, generals, journalists, teachers, artists stop cooperating with the fictional terror scenario at their level.

Do you remember how France rumbled and finally jolted Sarkozy, out of his presidential effort to instil the Patronate in total power, and to destroy the Union by introducing the whole Mediterranean crowd including Turkey - out of office a year or two early in 2010; so that we could recognised her again. In America big changes in the Congress elections also in 2010 resulted in a new voting system, more in the spirit of the founding fathers, based on Jeffersonʼs continuous revolution, which made parties appear, including Socialist, Communist and extreme right, while both Republicans and Democrats dwindled. The FBI was redesigned and renamed NOCS the National Offence Control Service, while CIA was abolished, with many prosecutions concerning mostly internal crimes and transgressions established and punished. Bush was sued for lies and for illegal war, and sentenced to 8 years - the length of his miserable duration in office - which was suspended out of consideration for the fact that he was only a dim if willing but manipulated agent. The presidency of 2000 to 2008 was renamed State-Presidency period, in de- rogation of his unlawful and nominal function. He was deprived of pension and of his documents or of a right to establishment a presidential library, not that any State would want it. For the future his name was wiped off the American history.

These changes did not come without struggle and the years between 2009 and 2012 and after were full of strikes, political assassinations, illegal arrests, often stirred by religiosity and token democracy agitation. But the American young, the library ladies, and the spirit of Revolutionʼs founding ideas won amongst the people in the end. The Lincoln Memorial was renamed Atonement Memorial shared with other assassinated Presidents, McKinley and Kennedy. The American Republic gradually started returning to the justice of its conception, leaving behind the Robber Baron Capitalist concepts developed after the blight of Civil War. For a century America gave much to the world and the ideas they created do not need to be explained they are still in our hearts. The fact that they went wrong and that putting it right caused tremendous dislocation on social basis and destruction of confidence, was not significant, since they had like all human beings, the ability to return to real human values and destroy false prophets leading them to self and world destruction. Putting Lincoln in his place and bringing warships back from the seven seas was not a surrender but a waking up to a better life in the high street, not needing of all those guns except for hunting. They were not as good as they were before, and more modest, but as lovable as always and changed their flag from star and stripes to south and stripes by inserting the confederacy ensign in the square of the stars.

We paid a price in Britain for losing our way whether with the millennium Dome or with trying to become the fifty-first State. Apart from early days of Labour Government, after the war, only one politician - during half a century of nationʼs politics - had the vision and guided Britain on the right road: Edward Heath. Marginalised by pigmies he held to the end the belief that Britain is a cultural part of Europe and not a puppet at beg and call of USA. By 2009 Britain was going bankrupt, with worst education, highest prison population in Europe, cameras on every corner spying on citizens decaying of services, and becoming hated on the continent for trying to destroy the Union.

But as you remember in 2012 people took control again. The resolute spirit of Britain asserted itself using proportio- nal representation created freedom and even many boisterous innovations which brought her closer to Europe, including right-hand drive, Shengen law, kilometres, which all, happily coincided with the Olympics. And Britainʼs genius surprised and delighted many when late as ever but on the ball she brought out with Keynesian generosity a new law - inventing a unique system of Wealth Tax with Non-Tradable Assets: WTNTA, which quickly became known as Neta law. Its object was to strip the oligarchs of misplaced power by limiting their riches to one ton (1000kg) of gold worth some 20 million Euros or pounds and or 30 million dollars - still a considerable fortune but not putting the society in its fetter. Reduction of the Swedish history, which Queen Christina (as beautiful as Greta Garbo) passed to her successor: representing the removal of the booty acquired by the barons was taken as a model for WTNTA. The subtlety of the law was in that a rich man could choose to declare some possessions as non-tradable-asset on which he would not be taxed. If for instance he owned a Picasso worth 20 million, or a great house, declaring it a NTA would mean he could never sell it. It would in effect be owned by community although retained by him, while the great covens of capital would be handed back to the people, from billionaires who rose in a solidly installed capitalist disorder, in the latter part of 20th century. This refunding would balance the Enclosures in Britain or grabbing of wealth by the advantaged sections, when the land and capital were grasped from the countryside or workpeople. Itʼs early days yet but it seems to work and achieve its ob- ject of taking away excessive power from unelected individuals without trauma of dispossession. Our oligarchs like Branson are running in with the cash and the usual British middle way is a success. It was quickly adopted elsewhere in the world.

We observed that Russia in 2009, instead of joining at the time an armament competition, offered to the poorest nations, especially those in Africa, its own type of a Marshall Plan. She offered finance, with help to develop indigenous production and opened doors for their products and to their markets. As part of this process she started building the 5000 km rail and road highway on the 200 East across Africa from Benghazi to Cape Town opening that continent to modern rhythm. The momentum which it inspired was a help in putt- ing the world economics on the right road.

Belgrade, Warsaw, Kiev and Moscow: four corners of a square containing the Slavs, whether Serb, Polish, Ukrainian or Russian became source of a new vision. In 2012 Poland proposed that Russia should enter the European Union, and cancelled visas, opening rail and road traffic between Belarus and Kaliningrad. Russia made the steps quickly which when completed made the region of Western Culture expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Slavs laboured eagerly for re-establishing the horizons like that of Middle-Ages where local regions, from Salamanca to Irkutsk became home of the people. This group of people who unlike Latins, Francs or Saxons never had the leadership of the Continent and suffered much during its long history, put the warmth of their heart and natural sense of love, in a Tolstoyan spirit, into the fact of the European Union. A high level of understanding of mathematics in the region, with the traditions of Cracow or St Petersburg colleges, combining with the Experience of Socialism and the sacrifices, led to the founding of new Economics. It evolved around the Suhtlam Theory where unlimited production overtops the needs of humanity. Conserving energy eliminating waste and creating new form of financial economy protecting ownership, free enterprise, trade combined with peopleʼs control of economic parameters through national funds.

We theorized that sharing of the wealth of the world, either that found in mother Earth, or created by the inexhaustible capacity of the human species, is the dream and the challenge of these times. Every man on this earth is a part owner of its riches, a co-proprietor, like one in a block of apartments or a squat, or a village, for the totality of the enterprise. One million representing .017 % of humanity and of the entitlement, a nation of 55 million like Britain is due for a 1 % share of the wealth of the world. Those sitting on greater riches, with bigger share have a gift from nature (for a while?) which has to be equitably shared. But the changing of the parameters of world economy has to come soberly, so that it will not cause the dislocation and ruin to groups of people as often happened in history, not least in Russia in 1920 or in 1990, but it has to come inevitably.

The churches of the world also took an early hand and were very influential in bringing changes to America. The establishment of Catechism of Humanity unified them in taking a political stand on rights of man without fear or favour. Much leadership was given by Benedict XVI following on John Paul II in establishing in 2008 the modern Capital Sins which involved the social-financial principles directly with personal duties to God. The Church followed in its thinking, quite overtly and without fear, the idealism of the priests from Central and South America. Judaism also started to develop forcefully, not least by looking back to Maimonides.

The Common Agricultural Policy changed it subsidy system by supporting a farm of 250ha as an ideal unit for an owner to manage. Its subsidies became rated from 100 % for such a farm down to zero support for a farm of 1500 ha or above. As you remember this was a great joy in Leszczyn. By supporting the small farmer against factory enterprises it guaranteed preservation of farming culture, extending it to under developed areas of the world and resulted in increased productivity which is most valuable now.

When in 2013 the UN moved to its new home in Carthagina*, situated on the land granted free, by generosity of Libya and Tunisia, and began enacting rules on world scale, we knew at last that we all lived in one world. The US Congress supported the departure, accepting genuinely the fair political reasons. Foreign troops began to be removed from all shores. In year 2014 de Villepin was elected the new president of the United Nations, in recognition of his contribution in the last days of 2002 to the peace in the world; and though not successful at the time, was given another chance by the representatives of the world. He was faced with new Security Council representing Ten Regions: European Union (including Russia), China, Oceania and Japan (including Australia), India, the Great Region (including Turkey, Israel with to Afghanistan and Pakistan), Africa of the North (to the Equator) Africa of the South (below), America of the North, Central America (Mexico including Columbia with Cuba and all islands), and America of the South. Each Region with the right of protest, each with the care for its peoples: a new beginning.

The Nation theme still remains a kind of glorious animism of our mental past, when they are gone, it is difficult to judge how people will behave. Whereas nations in the past enforced law and order and undertook costly works of utility and splendour in war and peace, one has to remember that these ʻsweet national themesʼ are only of recent existence, compared with the dignity of man. The beliefs whether through religions, or concepts or discovered from nature of our world, are all basic laws of humanity, like those of science - how will they come? The compact of all understanding rises from all springs, including those inspired by Europeʼs independence and tradition and will mould the new culture.

Perspective on the world is changed. If an old man at the beginning of this new millennium, remembered that the world population which is now six billion, was at his birth two, it would become evident to him that, had the population remained the same, the wealth available today would have made the humanity very rich. If the increase in productivity continues as before, with population remaining the same, it will establish great wealth. This growing wealth of the society will, as in most advanced countries today, limit the population growth in a natural way and become its solution. This is the basis of the Suhtlam thesis of economy today; in opposition to Malthus, it asserts that the wealth increases faster than the population growth, with a rewarding effect for the community (unless it is wilfully destroyed) which in turn will limit the population. It establishes the fact, which coincides with common morality; that the simple solution to world problems lies in making everyone rich. In addition it will solve the immigration problem, of people who move only to find a decent life, having to leave the land they were born in and which they love. Once understood, the wild competition for unlimited resources will become what it is a confused view of true realities of the world. It is as possible and as dramatic as the changing of ploughing after 10,000 years by the introduction of a reversible plough, for a farmer.

One part of our ills comes from the fact that too many men are shamefully rich and too many desperately poor. Happily we now tend toward a balance between these two extremes; the colossal fortunes of the oligarch and billionaires and rapacious greed of multinationals are things of the past. But everything is still to be done for the intelligent reorganization of world economy. We have renounced the enormous rewards given to directors of companies, which are only a form of theft; and advised them to refuse such arrangements in large enterprises, which have no meaning. The wholesale cancellation of the capital hoards whether hidden in multinationals or private hands was more hazardous measure but there was a need to start afresh after twenty years of war of hegemony. The currency was seriously depressed for half a century by the rise of inflation especially of the housing market for which there was no reason. The inflation which makes a commodity more expensive actually makes money cheaper with a distortion of values which is often mostly unfair on the poorest by devaluing their wages. It behoves the Real Civilization toward which we are moving to give solid weight and true value in terms of commodities. Our gold pieces nonetheless still remain the preserve in which eternity is appraised. Agriculture remains in the centre of world preoccupation, providing the food which and is enhanced in its value by the receding importance of the military. We are putting an end to the scandal of untilled fields neglected by great landowners, or to great factory-farms of 5 or 6000 hectares worked by hired labour and no longer by farmers with the love of their craft are lower in their productivity. This, the Americans asserted is a fact, that ʻsmall farms are the most productive on earthʼ. They establish (in their funny figures) that a four acre farm in the United States, nets on average, $ 1400 per acre and a 1364 acre farm nets $ 39 per acre. These are of course extreme examples but they help us in stopping the runaway farming disaster of factory farming both inefficient and destructive of the countryside culture. With this is going stopping of the wild experimentation in genetic farming trying to teach nature in two years what she has learned in a thousand. Also our chief cares is to nibble at the edges of great waste lands like Sahara or Gobi and to create successful peasant communities by providing instructors and furnishing equipment, in which the Hundred is proving a useful element. In Leszczyn we are helping small farmers to collaborate together in larger units with some services on cooperative basis while remaining individual owners and farmers: we are collaborating not trying to recreate PGR state farms. Gladly one observes that the same methods are being applied today to other trades whether fishing or mining and to all services from railways to air travel.

The noble sciences are also opening their doors so all can see and judge what is being done in the service of man, while arts are speaking, and are revelled in, by all and sundry as in the days of Verdi, singing their songs of Il Trovatore or of Bauhaus in the streets. The Patent offices making the creativity available to all while praising the gifts of individuals who made it. It was a privilege for us, remember it B-, to be present at the awakening of the Union? It was a moment of immense emotion, enthusiasm to watch the rich and experimental ideas sprouting from our brains and to clone the rest of the world to Idealism Sansfrontieres.

The gentle Hundreds were coming into being every day, as well as newspapers and weeklies in the space of those early years. It was St Germaine de Pres of 1950 which some remembered, not just in Berlin, but the entire long, between the two oceans of our Union: “od morza do morza” as Poles called it.This gaiety could only spring from a large charity of New Culture: “wisdom cannot enter an unkind spirit, and knowledge without conscience is the ruin of the soul.” That saying of Rabelais is the corner stone. “We establish sovereign good, not by taking and receiving but by giving with both hands - and there is only one thing that I dislike, and that is the contempt of the commonplace” he said. We shared simple things.

Today, as you know, I am looking forward to seeing old friends in the old place where the silos are full. The Kniaz hunting club have kindly decided to grant me a lifelong membership, during a small celebration, which is a pleasing honour even if I donʼt do much hunting, though perhaps it is time to buy a 12 bore to hung on the wall. Hope we can find each other here in the exiting mess of usual events. Looking back, it all happened so quickly in the end; and here is a bit of young Shelley who we enjoyed often together: he saw how it happens!

“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number -
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.”

Yours very sincerely, love M

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